ÚP ÚL - nákup spotřebního materiálu ICT pro ÚP Ústí nad Labem

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail55_202312. 04. 2023BossCan ComPrint spol. s r.o.605 000,00500 000,00605 000,00500 000,00CZK

Published Documents

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Detail55_2023RsoD c 55_2023 ICT - BossCan ComPrint s.r.o..pdfSmlouva14. 04. 2023 07:43Dokument není zavirovaný

List of Participants

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DetailPody print s.r.o.Praha650 170,51537 331,00CZK
DetailPREMO s.r.o.Staré Město674 664,54557 574,00CZK
DetailBossCan ComPrint spol. s r.o.Modřice611 446,88505 328,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

55_2023202425 250,0020 867,78
55_20232024194 700,59160 909,58
55_20232023125 467,76103 692,37
55_202320232 162,001 786,78
55_20232023210 207,67173 725,35
55_202320233 690,503 050,00